Traveling with a young child can be a challenge! Below are some of my tips. First, let your child set the pace. There is nothing unhappier than a screaming 2 year old who missed their nap. I go early, return to my hotel for a swim or nap in the afternoon, and go back in the evening. Your stroller will be your best friend. For my 2 year old, I purchase a cheep umbrella stroller from Wal-Mart, and for my 1 year old, I purchased a lightweight stroller, with a sun shade, and a back that will lay flat. The most important thing to remember is to make sure it is operational with one hand, and light weight. You will have to fold it when you get onto the trams in the parking lot. I have seen to many frazzeled adults struggling with their Giant stroller after a long day in the park. I fly, when I travel. I just push the stroller right up to the gate, and gate check it when boarding. It is always waiting for me at the gate when we land! No lugging my children through the airport. When at WDW there are a few things to remember about strollers... 1 There are ALOT of them, bring a scarf or something to make yours easily identifiable. Also, just because your stroller isn't where you left it doesnt mean it was stolen... The CM's often move strollers around. I have never had a problem with my stoller being stolen, just moved. I also purchase a personal fan, (and bring a roll of duck tape) I rig the fan onto the stroller with the duck tape, and blow it down onto my child... It may not be pretty, but they are usually cooler than I am! Dont forget the baby sunscreen! Reaply often, ( we do every time we took a break.) I stripped my baby nude, and covered him everywhere... you never know where he could get burned. I was also recomended to bring a baby sling, to put him into whenever we left the stroller behind... I didn't do it last time because he was only 6lbs but I will this time through! My personal baby bag of choice while at WDW is a back pack. You can easily sling it over a shoulder, or onto your back when entering an exhibit. It also holds more than my normal diaper bag. I always pack a extra set of clothing in the bag for my baby, (When I was there last Summer my 5 week old wore nothing but onesies due to the heat) and bring a blanket for going into air conditioned buildings from the heat. Remember Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Your child can not go as long without something to drink as you can... and formula quickly goes bad in the heat of summer. My 5 week old got his first taste of water down there, I kept a bottle with him almost constantly. I always carry a baggie of snacks for the occasional meltdown. Also a few power bars for the rest of us, it is a great pick me up between meals. We take frequent breaks, just to cool off, in quiet parts of the park (you'll be surprised how many there are!) My favorite break area is the Child Care Station at each park. (There is 1 in each) They are air-conditioned, quiet, and relaxing. They offer numerous changing tables, private nursing rooms, bathrooms, and last time I was there even baby cereal for free. For a Charge, you can also buy Formula and Diapers. They have videos running for older children to keep them entertained. They also have a small gift shop with baby orientated items. There are plenty of changing tables in ALL of the bathrooms in the parks, mens and womens alike so Dad can take a turn with the Stinky diaper too. If your little darling has just potty trained, you may want to bring a couple diapers with you just in case. A friend went to WDW with her son, and he regressed, It probably was the excitement. However the toilets are the LOUD automatic kind, and you may want to prepare your child for it when they are using it, I have heard of children becoming very scared. If your children are a little older and want to meet Mickey Mouse, you may want to go to Chef Mickey's on your first night in Disney. That way you dont have to hear the "Ive gotta meet Mickey" every 5 minutes. I also dress my kids in their swim suits under their clothing... (2 piece type for my girls) There are several foutains where the children can play in... My kids just kick off their shoes, take off their cloths and jump in! |