Well, I need my Disney Fix again... And since it IS Walt's 100th Birthday, and I DO share a birthday with Walt, my darling indulgent husband and I will be going back to visit the World... Here I am going to give you an idea as to what I have done to plan my upcoming trip... I am hoping to keep it around $1200 (including a 5 day hopper for myself). Transportation: We have nothing much booked yet as far as getting from here to there. At this point we are planning to drive. It should take about 19 hours total, and we have 2 days to do it in. (God help us, winter travel and all) Car Rental: However, I did make a fall back plan for a car rental in case we can find a flight at a price I like. In fact I have 2. 12/01/01 to 12/08/01 National Car Rental, Emerald Club, using contract Id 10005317 (link to cupon page on my hotel page) for $119.03 total after all taxes ect. Also another reservation, the same way for the dates 12/02/01 to 12/09/01. Hotel: PRICELINE, PRICELINE PRICELINE! I first started last week with no sucess (thank god) I first tried to be sly, and bid 3* $24, went to $25 added other area with no 3* hotels, thought better of it, and went down to 2.5*, and bid $21, added areas with no 2.5* and bid $22 - 23. All No Sucess I did more research, and decided that well, 2.5* would be ok, and I was willing to go up to $25. However, what started me onto this trip, and made me want to go back down was a Courtyard By Marriott L.B. rate of $29... We had decided we could afford that. SO, I decided to wait 72 hours and rebid. At first I was going to go for the 2.5* hotel, but decided if I could get a 3* for $29 or under I would try it... The current 3* rates according to the help board were from $28 and up... My first bid, $28, WDW Area, $5 matching $$ was accepted! I have : Doubletree Guest Suites Orlando Maingate totalling $165.75 for 5 nights. I have not heard much about this hotel, I have read mixed reviews. But it has 1 to 3 bedroom Suites set up like 2 story townhomes, complete with full kitchen... another surprise... another way we can save a few dollars! More to come as I plan it!